Buy Meats Online!
People often ask me where they can buy high quality cured meats because there is no shops around where they live. Here you'll find a list of the top USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) meat producers in America. Each producer is able to ship from coast to coast. I will review some of these companies and their products on my Matt The Butcher Youtube Channel in a series called “SalamiGram” (Salami + Telegram = SalamiGram). You'll see a link under the companies website for the episode if I have done a review.
*Note: I am not affiliated or sponsored by any of these companies. I am truly just spreading the word on high quality meats and how you can support small businesses at the same time!
If any of the information on these profiles are incorrect or links do not work please feel free to email me at mattthebutcherdmv@gmail.com so I can correct it. Happy browsing!
You find the companies listed below by state.

Il Porcellino Salumi
Denver, Colorado
River Bear
American Meats
Denver, Colorado
Owner: Information Not Available
Specialty: Dry cured and Smoked meats
Website: https://riverbearmeats.com/


Salumi Chicago
Chicago, Illinois

Smoking Goose Meatery
Indianapolis, Indiana
Turchetti's Salumeria
Indianapolis, Indiana
Owner: George Turkette
Specialty: Dry cured Italian meats
Website: https://www.turchettis.com/
Salamigram Ep.1: Turchetti’s Salumeria | SalamiGram Ep. 1


A Smallgood
Rockport, Maine
Owner: Oliver and Kelly Perkins
Specialty: Wild fermented and cured meats, koji cured
Website: www.asmallgood.com

Kurzweils Country Meats
Harrisonville, Missouri
Owner: Chris Kurzweils
Specialty: Smoked and Cured Meats and Steaks
Website: https://kurzweilscountrymeats.com/
New York

Charlitos Cocina
Astora, New York
Dufour Gourmet
New York City
Owner: Aurelien Dufour
Specialty: Pates, Sausages and Specialty Meats
Website: https://www.dufourgourmet.com/

Hudson Valley, New York
Owner: Jack Peele
Specialty: European style dry cured salami and sausage
Website: https://www.jacuterie.com/

Olympia Provisions
Portland, Oregon
Owner: Elias Cairo
Specialty: Mediterranean and European cured meats,
Website: https://www.olympiaprovisions.com/

Salty Pork Bits
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Adagio Salumi
Austin, Texas
Owner: Information Not Available
Specialty: Mediterranean Dry cured meats
Website: www.adagiosalumi.com

Vermont Salumi
Barre, Vermont
Owner: Peter Roscini Colman
Specialty: Artisan sausage, Italian salami and prosciutto cotto
Website: www.vermontsalumi.com